How to Start a Corporate Employee Recognition Program

Acrylic Warehouse Blog

Recognizing your employees for their hard work and achievements is crucial in today’s fast-paced, competitive workforce. In addition to traditional rewards through bonuses, raises and promotions, many organizations incorporate corporate awards to celebrate those who perform above and beyond expectations. Although the award format may vary from company to company, employee recognition programs have been known to increase goal setting and self-improvement, improve staff morale, and boost employee retention rates.

Are you ready to start your company’s employee recognition program? Follow these steps to curate the best award solution for your business:

1) Consider the award options. What milestones stand out at your company, and how do your employees measure their own levels of success? Corporate plaques celebrating positive client reviews and ratings can instill confidence in new clients. Corporate trophies highlighting record sales inspire coworkers to aim for excellence. Hard-working staff members appreciate recognition for their years of service and dedication to the company. Want to focus on fun? Corporate trophies for silly achievements and superlatives, like “Most Zen Desk,” “Office Optimist,” or “Best Printer Mechanic,” are also a fun way for staff to give and receive atypical praises.

2) Pick your award style. Your awards are a lasting, positive representation of your organization; they should be unique and durable. Acrylic trophies and plaques are an excellent solution, as they are sleek, customizable, engravable, and strong enough to last through office moves and accidents. The experts at Acrylic Warehouse can work with you to design custom acrylic awards that fit your company’s needs.

3) Talk to the professionals. Now that the broader vision of your corporate award program is complete, it’s time to consult the experts at Acrylic Warehouse. Using their years of experience and in-house manufacturing and engraving capabilities, the Recognition Specialists will create high-quality, custom solutions that best fit your company’s award program and budget.

4) Get people talking. What good is an award if no one knows they can earn it? Spread the word around the office about your new recognition program to start the conversation. Be sure to share the necessary qualifications to be considered for each award. If your award program involves supervisor nominations and company-wide voting, be sure to provide details on the nomination and voting processes.

5) Celebrate the recipients. Choose a time and place to present your organization’s awards. Consider hosting a company picnic or happy hour to honor the award winners, or insert an awards presentation into a corporate gala or holiday party. Although the personalized acrylic award will stand out, remember that your award winners are the stars of the show – consider sharing a few brief remarks on the award winners’ achievements during your presentation.

Whether your corporate employee award program is large or small, your employees will appreciate the recognition that you provide them with. The awards they receive will very likely be displayed for others to see, which will serve as a positive conversation starter about your company and your commitment to employees for years to come.